
I got weirded out with this video of bacteria being able to evolve and use antibiotics as food. It started with normal dosage then x10 the regular dosage, then x100 up to x1000 reached in 11 days. Watch the video as it might be one of the most amazing content that you’ll consume this year.

It’s so serile to see the world in the perspective of a single-celled life form. They could be thought of machines as well, they use biofuel and respond to commands or communicates through electricity as well.

When we use microscopes we see another brand of universe hiding in a glass of water or even a drop blood.

I am a big fan of Iron man most especially when he used the nanotechnology suit mk-55 to fight Thanos mano-y-mano. True to fact at this day and age, a lot of companies are investing on genomics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. They think that this is the holy grail to solve cancer or any kind of sickness, our food supply or even surviving space.

I’ll be creating a one day build website on nanotechnology tomorrow. It’s my way of diving deeper in this mind boggling topic.

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Linking our brain to the cloud..

Singularity is forecasted to happen in 2033. Fifteen years from now, we will use an interface that will replace our phones/wearables and connect our brains directly to the internet and gain access to the worlds information at a nanosecond. That is Singularity.

Am I scared of Singularity? No. Do I support it? I like the idea but I still haven’t fully wrapped around the fact of what is to happen in the next five to ten years.

Massive amounts of capital is being infused to all kinds of futuristic technology like biotechnology, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, space travel, nanotechnology, longevity and the list goes on. This period is the greatest time to be alive.

My recommendation to anybody who will be reading this blog entry.

Don’t blink. Enjoy the next years to come as we will witness a period where we will fix the lower tier problems of society and will soon devote ourselves in fixing more ambitious goals that we need to achieve as a species.

Most experts say that we are evolving at the moment to a higher form. Well evolution is a duty of nature and we don’t stop it from happening because we can’t. So if we are truly evolving…we ain’t have a choice but to accept it and enjoy the ride.

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I don’t believe in ICOs

One of the coolest people I’ve met online lost $100,000 because his company failed to launch during the huge boom of value in crypto. He needed to refund his initial investors money and taking all the hit in the process. I would not name the guy as he is in a depressed state now and collecting his experience in some remote area in the world.

He is not the only person who suffered massive losses lately. The sudden decline of market value caused a lot of headaches and heartaches to people who relied on the idea of “FOMO” or “fear of missing out” from the markets.

Though I don’t claim myself an expert in Initial coin offerings or ICOs, I just feel the world is being disuaded from the true power of blockchain technology due to this craze. I believe Switzerland is doing a great job at using crypto currency. They accepted it as part of their economy and you can even use bitcoin as a medium of payment. That is a true value of cryptocurrency, its ability to exchange value and not to appreciate value. An asset appreciates and depreciates in value in response to a valid market, thus when coins are sold in an ICO, it will be very difficult to determine the value of a currency since the coins are sold on a future market that is not yet created.

I just had hoped he listened to what I was telling to them before. But yeah, unfortunately he didn’t and he is now a casualty of the crash.

My advice:

  • Invest not where the “crowd” is panicking to put their money.
  • Be an independent thinker or..
  • Listen and learn only from the best.

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Building on Eos.. and the Initiative project

After contemplating on issues of scalability that Ethereum has a month ago and seeing that how Vitalik Buterin is not aiming to improve the technology, my gut tells me that I should explore options on where to take my development experiments and it took me to Eos.

Eos shows a lot of promise. It’s backed by a great team and the vision for the plarform is more directed to providing value to it’s users. I have done two introductory courses with Eos dublin brought me to seeing how it works and understanding the goals of Eos from its Dan Larimer CTO and co-founder.

Well it’s going to be a little bit challenging since my operating system is running on windows and the current build that they have is available only for Mac, Linux and Ubuntu. I might try to use virtual machines tomorrow and it will be an awesome (or excruciating) experience hopefully.

Another thing is learning C++. This will be a great opportunity to learn the hardest and one of the oldest programming languages to-date. It is explained that it will run on the web using web assembly. Let’s see.

Yesterday I have finished the final build for the Initiative project for the Ethereum platform but now that I have decided on trying Eos, I will be focusing on rebuilding the Initiative project in that platform.

Another platform, another clallenge in the blockchain space. Let’s see.

The InitiativeProject aims to provide a solution for managing donations and distributions on a decentralized blockchain. Empowering the public with the ability to create campaigns of great importance and help people all over the world without the need to interact with banks and other intermediaries. Check out the link to try it out.

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Solidity, Mapping & Gas

Gas is the cost of using the Ethereum platform. All update and computational tasks in any smart contract from deployment to usage consumes gas. This gas is then paid to miners of the blockchain, the guys behind updating the network.

Becoming a coder who knows solidity and javascript is not enough. One should exercise caution and on deploying codes in the platform as it has economic implications. I fully understood this problem because I was an accountant/business guy before I became a coder. I encourage business owners, developers to do a macro approach in the overall costs of the deployment, use of functions and services from smart contracts before putting it live in the blockchain.

I’m drawn to this issue because of the concept of mapping arrays instead of for-loops which is not a native concept of JavaScript. And it stuck with me to take the approach with programming language solidity to not only rely on my knowledge on JavaScript. I should double down on harnessing as well different concepts adopted to create the language as it also uses C++ and Python.

I just thought of breaking down my work today (on a Sunday), and still a lot of work to do to improve the craft..

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The obstacle is the way

I’m in the most challenging phase of my life right now. The goal is to unlock my potential.. Not all may understand why I do what I do.

But it’s okay, the only thing that matters is that I’m aware of that inner voice, that drive to bring long lasting impact to the world, whatever it takes.

I’ve never been challenged like this, but never had the same opportunity as well. People of the common thinking would have reserved back to settling to the nine-to-five job again in pursuit of the comfortable life. My daily meditation had brought me to thinking that life should be viewed in ten to twenty or thirty years macro views but tackled in the micro as fast as possible. Daily nine to fourteen hours of coding might seem like hell but I believe the compounding effect of it will make sense later on. Nothing valuable should come easily as well.

People think I’m crazy and it’s okay. The constant energy deployed to achieving something of importance will eventually lead to better results, rather than focusing on the massive noise of others who have accepted the fact that they will work on other people’s dreams instead of theirs. Focus on the rare people that believe in me.

And it yielded glimpses of remarkable feat. I was able smash fear and anxiety and code a blockchain smart contract deployed in ethereum. Though it is not perfectly executed, it’s an accomplishment that I never have imagined possible. I broke out of the cycle where you were just to receive instructions from someone else. I command my destiny now. As I continue this experience of gunning out realizing my full potential,there will be hurdles that will come to my path.

There’s no other way, the obstacle is the way.

Grit for coding and life

What I’ve been trying to develop within my skillset is Grit for the past month a half. More commonly known as persistence, it enables successful athletes, influencers & leaders to punch through any obstacle no matter what.

This is very important as a programmer in the blockchain space, where there are tons of problems to solve, tons of technology issues and less information to refer with. I truly believe this is a skillset for the future. I had experienced it a couple of times where some of my courses does not explain how a specific procedure actually works. Then you research it on your own and test if you are going to be comfortable reading through tons of data, possible solutions to what error or roadblock you are experiencing.

Being comfortable with the uncomfortable situation of not knowing the answer. I am not a true master of it but I believe coding on blockchain is the best way to mold my capability to adapt into any problem and develop Grit.

Chaos is everywhere. From your work, media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your parents and the list goes on. Learning true persistence is essential in our very noisy and chaotic world. That is why I must continue my routine, code 10 to 14 hrs per day, 7 days a week.. I also encourage anyone to just try even once in their lifetime to solve even just one problem that bugs them the most with code. I believe coding is a good blueprint to solve any problem in business or even life..

Which brings me to my main topic, Grit or persistence I believe essential to navigate life. If you haven’t taken the chance to look introspectively on how to come up with solutions to problems that seem impossible to solve… Your not basically living up to your true potential.

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Initiative: a real world solution for climate change using blockchain technology

Today I finished Initiative, a project included in my course for Solidity and Ethereum at Udemy and holds tons of potential. It allows one to become an Initiator and create an projects that can help people in need all over the world. But there is already kickstarter or indiegogo and why will we need another copycat of these two platforms?

The answer to this question is all projects created within Initiative are controlled by the managers AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS through blockchain technology. Through the Ethereum platform, smart contracts can be executed and be through a collective consensus of all and since it’s virtually unhackable, it empowers the stakeholders to coordinate and interact through the approval system without any worry. That is the beauty of blockchain technology.

Though there is still a ton of tweaks to which details that should be added before it could be deployed in the Ethereum main network (currently deployed in rinkeby test network), I’m really looking into the matter and get some real ether and transfer them to my account then deploy it after finalizing the modifications. This project can be deployed and be used to handle projects for the Super typhoon Mangkhut victims in the norhern part of our country (Philippines).

I can accept donations in ethers (or investments?) as well, to fund the deployment to the main network since it do cost some gas and sever costs. If you’re interested email me at

PS. you’ll be needing metamask chrome extension with ethers for rinkeby network to try the web app’s features.

Initiative Project:

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The first of many projects in Ethereum..

I built a simple Ethereum project deployed to rinkeby network. It is part of my solidity course in Udemy and pretty proud of finishing it.

The whole project taught me a lot of insights :

  • Now I understand why Solidity programming is a strongly typed scripting language. Since blockchain technology essentially is a cryptographic database system, the language needed to pull it together needs to be robust enough to be able to implement code like typical database language like SQL.
  • React.Js is highly compatible with implementing blockchain projects running on Ethereum. Communication with Ethereum through web3.js can be easily implemented through NPM. Metamask web3.js injection can easily be cured through reactjs framework by the use of import export statements.
  • It’s way easier to implement than a typical node.js – express.js – postgresql stack for backend, I find the technology much easier to understand and it really makes sense to me. Solidity really is like a hybrid javascript with sql, and to interact with a deployed contract in the blockchain is not that bad.

These firsthand impressions are still subject to change. I can’t wait to try a bigger project with Ethereum and see how this initial experience expands.

If you want to view my project you can check it out at Again, It is deployed in the rinkeby network. You should also have an installed metamask chrome extension to view it’s functionality.

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